
Accidents at work are most common in the construction industry and consequently the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) focus a lot of their energy upon this sector. Due to insurance requirements, Principal Contractors are becoming much tougher with their sub-contractors with regard to safety at work.

Frizzell Safety Services specialise in helping small construction firms win business. They employ us to satisfy safety at work legislation documentation and provide evidence of a safety culture.

Small business owners cannot afford a full time health & safety manager nor do they have the time to get involved in detailed legislative requirements themselves. Outsourcing your health and safety function is the only cost effective way to stay within the law and become known by your principal contractors as a low risk, thus increasing the likelihood of your company winning more contracts.

We can provide a wide range of services to the construction industry, so whether you are a sub-contractor or a principal contractor contact us for assistance with any of the following: –

  • Company Health & Safety Policies
  • Risk Assessments
  • COSHH Assessments
  • Construction Phase Health & Safety Plans
  • Safety method statements
  • Site Audits and Inspections
  • Accident Investigations
  • Tool box talks
  • Pre-qualification questionnaires

Safe-T-Cert is a recognised safety management system within the Northern Ireland construction industry. Frizzell Safety Services have become experts in setting up systems for initial audit and maintaining and improving existing systems. We have a 100% success rate in achieving first time accreditation. Have a chat with us if you are thinking of making an application.

New environmental legislation will mean additional responsibilities with regard to construction waste. Soon all sites will require a Site Waste Management Plan before any work commences. We can provide all the expertise you will need to meet this requirement. Talk to our experts who will guide you through the process.